& Form

iOakleaf - Phonestand

Proudly we stand side by side with the product that changed our way to communicate.
We have made iOakleaf with sober elegance in one stroke keeping the iPhone safely supported by the best aluminium. With a lovely, pure and Scandinavian feeling and even supported environmently with 95 % energy saved by the recycling of iOakleaf.

iOakleaf at your service.


Oakleaf Mandarin - Small

Oakleaf was designed in Malmö and ended up in UNG FORMs exhibition at FORM & DESIGN CENTER. Oakleaf was then only in oak, as shown below In both large and small. Oakleaf Mandarin is made for the desktop and contains 8 cd´s and one double cd.

Oakleaf - Large

Oakleaf is made in oak and contains 32 cd´s + 3 double cd´s. Oakleaf come in both large and small.